5 Benefits of Game Based Learning

December 30, 2021
By Jesse Armstrong
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New teaching methods for today’s classrooms are developed regularly. These new methods give teachers fresh ideas for their lesson plans and children exciting new ways to learn otherwise tricky subjects.

One type of learning that’s become increasingly more widespread is game-based learning. In game-based education, children use various games to learn and practice new skills. If you’re interested in learning a bit more about incorporating game-based learning into your curriculum, here are just a few reasons it’s worth considering.

Builds Memorization Skill

One significant component of any game is memorization. Whether you’re memorizing the rules, different moves, or sequences, recalling information is often an integral part of winning a game. Utilizing things such as interactive board games can help a child retain skills much more quickly than using pencil and paper. 

Develops Coordination

Many games, especially those that require controllers of some sort, are great tools for developing a child’s hand-eye coordination. For example, when playing video games, children have to pay attention to what’s on the screen while using their hands to control the action. Combined with the memorization skills required to play the game, this also helps improve their multi-tasking skills.

Increases Computer Literacy

In many cases, game-based learning can help develop a child’s computer skills. In a world that’s becoming increasingly more technology-centered, teaching a child computer literacy skills starting at a young age can be incredibly advantageous.

Develops Problem-Solving Skills

All games have an object–the goal a player needs to achieve to win. In order to reach that goal, deductive reasoning and problem-solving skills are required. The more familiar children get with games, the quicker they learn to identify problems and reason out solutions.

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Give the Motivation to Learn

The desire to win a game or achieve a goal can be incredibly motivating for a child. Likewise, using games in the classroom can help give a child the motivation they need to learn a new skill. Math and reading games, in particular, are great tools for teaching the core subjects because they present the information in a way that’s easy for children to digest.

Differentiating education is critical when teaching children new subjects. The use of interactive board games, card games, or video games can be a huge benefit in a classroom where differentiation is needed because it will allow students to learn in their own way. When students are comfortable with their learning materials, they’ll be far more likely to succeed.