Investing in Excellence – How Landscaping Adds Value to Your Property

December 24, 2023
By Jesse Armstrong
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A well-maintained yard can add up to 15% in value to your home, according to a study conducted by Virginia Tech. It also increases your property’s curb appeal and helps protect it from damage. A professional landscaper can avoid common mistakes that many homeowners make, such as aerating the wrong soil or pruning trees too close. They can also help you maintain a healthy garden by eliminating grass, weeds and shrubs overgrowth.

Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Boosting your home’s curb appeal through professional landscaping maintenance increases property value by making it more appealing to potential buyers. This includes things like regular lawn care, tree trimming and bush pruning. It also includes adding eye-catching features to your landscape design, such as water features, outdoor lighting and seating areas. Other projects that add value to your landscape include installing retaining walls, decks and pergolas and adding natural elements such as fire pits. These types of upgrades allow for a variety of different uses and are popular among buyers.

Additionally, plantings that complement the architecture of your home increase its overall aesthetic and boost its resale value. For example, wider flower beds and benches create a natural and intuitive pathway from the street to your front door.

Increase Your Home’s Value

A manicured lawn and beautifully trimmed shrubbery will instantly boost your home’s value and make it stand out from other properties on the market. Buyers will recognize that your property is well cared for and be more likely to schedule a viewing. Professional landscaping maintenance Arlington VA services can increase your property’s value by adding practical features, such as irrigation and drainage systems, that protect your home’s foundation from water damage. Planting trees can also add value to your property by lowering energy costs while providing privacy and shade. Custom projects such as outdoor living areas are becoming increasingly popular among buyers. They can offer a high ROI if designed with your region’s climate and aesthetic in mind. However, be careful not to overspend on unique features that may not appeal to future buyers.

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Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Keeping your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter takes a lot of energy, and the power bills add up. Strategic landscaping can lower your home’s energy costs in a few ways. Hedges and trees help keep out the heat of the sun and direct cold winds away from windows. Trees can also save energy in the long run by acting as a natural form of insulation. Professional landscape installation services can add value to your property by introducing eco-friendly elements. For instance, rainwater harvesting systems and low-water irrigation are attractive to buyers who prioritize sustainability. They can also provide privacy from street traffic and neighbors, making a property a more appealing place to live for families. In addition, incorporating drought-resistant plants such as California fuchsia and common yarrow can help reduce water use.

Increase Your Home’s Safety

Most homeowners take precautions like installing alarm systems and extra locks to prevent burglaries, but how they landscape their home’s exterior can also significantly impact safety. For example, untrimmed shrubbery obstructing views of the front door can make a house look vulnerable to break-ins. A well-manicured lawn with manicured trees and hedges is a deterrent to criminals and shows that the homeowner takes pride in their property. Landscaping services can also incorporate functional outdoor living amenities into the home, such as patios and fire pits. This increases both the aesthetic and the value of the house.