What Should You Look for in a Divorce Attorney?

January 9, 2024
By Jesse Armstrong
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When choosing a divorce attorney, there are certain things that you should look for. These factors include Experience, Reputation, Cost, and Communication.

Before you meet with an attorney, preparing some documents, such as tax returns, bank accounts, and a list of assets, is helpful. This will save time and money.


The divorce process is complex, and spouses may find it helpful to choose attorneys with the knowledge and skills to handle various issues. For example, some lawyers are better at mediating divorces than others and may be better equipped to help spouses negotiate child or spousal support agreements. Others are more experienced in handling complicated financial cases that require the assistance of forensic accountants or business valuators.

Additionally, spouses should look for an attorney who can quickly respond to questions and concerns. Some attorneys have heavy caseloads, and it is essential to know if they are willing to communicate with clients by phone or email outside of scheduled appointments.

It is also essential to consider how much time an attorney like the divorce attorney Red Bank NJ spends working on each client’s case. Some attorneys work with teams of associates and paralegals, while others handle their cases in smaller firms. In either situation, spouses should ask their potential attorney whether they will be the only person to handle their case.


When spouses are looking for the right divorce attorney, they should make sure to do some research. This may include asking friends or family who have gone through a divorce for recommendations or looking at the websites of potential attorneys.

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A website is an excellent place to start because many lawyers will showcase their credentials and experience. Determining how much of an attorney’s practice is devoted to divorce cases is also essential. A lawyer specializing solely in divorce is more likely to be knowledgeable about the process, and they will probably better understand the judges involved in divorce cases.

During the initial meetings with prospective divorce attorneys, spouses should bring as much information as possible to help them evaluate an attorney’s abilities and suitability for their case. This includes a list of all assets and debts, tax returns from the past few years, and copies of any existing separation agreements.


Divorce attorneys can cost a significant amount. This is especially true when complex custody issues or high-value assets are involved. The divorce process can also require additional services like forensic appraisers and financial experts, which add to the overall cost.

When deciding on an attorney, look at the fees they charge and how they are structured—for example, some attorneys bill by the hour while others charge a flat fee. You should also find out if the attorney has access to other professionals who can assist with your case, such as child support and custody experts or financial consultants.

During the consultation, be sure to bring any paperwork you may have related to your divorce case. This includes titles and deeds for any property you own and credit card and mortgage statements. You should also bring any debts you and your spouse share, such as student loans or car payments. Remember that your attorney cannot represent you and your spouse in a divorce since doing so would be considered a conflict of interest.

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Precise, responsive communication is an essential component of a solid attorney-client relationship. Your attorney should be able to understand your goals, concerns, and expectations and explain legal jargon in a way you can comprehend. They should also be available to promptly answer your questions and concerns, especially at critical points during the case (i.e., when a custody dispute or significant financial issue arises).

Divorce proceedings often involve deadlines for filing documents, responses to requests, and meetings or court hearings. Your lawyer should be able to keep you on track by providing regular reminders. They should also have access to resources such as financial experts, parenting coordinators, coach facilitators, and forensic appraisers. It’s also helpful if they have experienced associates who can assist them when handling another matter or being out of the office for an extended period. This can help ensure that your case doesn’t stall. You may even want to ask about the attorney’s trial experience in similar divorce cases.1%